
Pastor Dr. Charles (C.J.) Plogger has pastored for 33 years. His ministry journey began in Southern California and has taken him to Indiana, Illinois, Ohio, and currently in West Virginia.  His undergraduate degree came from the University of Northern Colorado where he majored in History and minored in Criminal Justice and he has a Master of Divinity degree from the Anderson School of Theology in Anderson, Indiana. He also has a Doctor of Ministry degree from Bethel Theological Seminary in St. Paul, Minnesota.
He has preached internationally in many camp meetings, conferences, revivals, and
seminars. He has several certifications for Church consultation and worked with many
congregations. He is a licensed Coach for the Church of God.
He has been extremely active in State Leadership for the Church of God in several states.
He has chaired major committees as well as developing and implementing necessary ones.  He has authored, One Step Closer, Life at the West Virginia Penitentiary, The Tour at the West Virginia Penitentiary, Pronounced Dead: The Executions at the West Virginia Penitentiary, 365 Days in the West Virginia Penitentiary, Discipline at the West Virginia Penitentiary, You Don’t Know My Story. Phone Calls from Heaven and The Revealing.
He has either led or been involved in mission trips to Haiti, Honduras, India, Mexico, and
the Pine Ridge Native American Reservation. He is fluent in Haitian Creole.
He loves his family, Janeen and three children, Jonathan, Anna, and Eden.

Youth & Worship Pastor Donna Clark - My husband, Roy and I have been married since 2008, and we have one son, Aiden. We are also blessed to be foster parents, so our family dynamic fluctuates frequently! I was called into ministry in 2008 and have been on staff with Ash Avenue Church of God as the Youth and Worship Pastor since 2017.  I oversee all ministries involving our Children and Teenagers.  I am passionate about engaging teenagers in challenging conversations that help them own their faith and establish deep roots in Biblical foundations. As Worship Pastor, my role is to prepare a time of gathering that ushers you into a holy time of worship.  I love music, and my passion for worship has grown throughout the years. Roy and I have been playing music together for many years and leading the congregation in worship has been a joy and a privilege.   


Church Secretary Patty Johnson - my duties are many to make sure the day-to-day operations of the church run smoothly.  I am married to one of the Elders and we have 2 grown sons and 2 grown daughters.  We have been blessed with 1 grandchild.  I am also Ministry Director over the Kitchen of the church.


Bill Johnson - Hello, I am Bill Johnson and I am chairman of the Elders.  I've been attending here along with my wife, four children and one grandson for 25 years.  We first came to Ash Avenue when we heard of their youth group and it didn't take long to find out they not only had a great youth group, but also a loving Church family where we have served and grown in our walk with Christ.  And I, as an Elder, know that same loving Church family desires for you to serve alongside of us and grow in your walk with Christ.

Cris Jacobs - Ash Avenue Church of God has been my home church since 2010. I became an Elder in 2020. The elders are called to work with the Senior Pastor in supporting the Vision and Mission of the Church, as regarding the governing, developing, and spiritual direction. We also support the Ministry Directors assigned to us. I am elder over Worship and Students, Adult Ministries, and the Haven Maternity Home.  My ministries include: The Resurrection Egg Event for children. The Church Directory. The Church Sign. The Rooted Women's Connection Team.


Clarence Creer - I am honored to be an Elder of this church.  My wife Pat and I have been in ministry for many, many years and we are blessed to be used by the Lord as we serve and seek his direction for our lives.  We are involved in other ministries of the church, Choir, Sunday School, CWC, Haven Maternity Home and Pat also volunteers at Wellspring Pregnancy Center one day a week.


David Soltesz - I have attended Ash Avenue Church of God since 2006 and have been involved with several committees and ministries during that time. Currently, I am serving in outreach through the safety team, multimedia, praise team, and I am honored to be an Elder of this church. Ash Avenue is a great place to grow, learn, fellowship, and serve with Christians who are excited to have new believers join the family of God.

Ministry Directors



Josh Norris - I am Ministry Director over the church's properties.  

Safety Team - led by Kevin Haught and Dave Soltesz
Decorating - led by Annette Legg


Lora Standiford - I am Ministry Director of Community Outreach, and I foster the congregation in volunteering their time and talents to serve the spiritual needs of those in our community.  This includes  Resurrection Easter Egg Hunt, The Bike Blessing, The Freedom Festival, Trunk or Treat, the First Responders Lunch, The Moundsville Christmas Parade, the Live Nativity and Jonathan's Closet.  As you can imagine, it takes a lot of volunteers to make these ministries successful. 


Melissa Norris - I am the Director of the Future of Moundsville Youth Center, (FMYC.)  The center is a safe place for youth in grades 6th-12th to come after school.  We are open 3:30-7:30 Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday.    Special events are held throughout the year as well.  Tutoring is also available.    FMYC is operated by donations from our very supportive community.   Parental Paperwork is required.  You can contact me at  


Teresa Devlin - I am the Administrative Director of the Haven Maternity Home which houses pregnant women and their toddlers up to age 4.  I am also co-director of Wellspring Pregnancy Center which distributes supplies needed for maternity through age 2.  My heart and passion is to serve and help women.  My husband (Pete) and I have been attending Ash Ave. Church of God since moving to Glen Dale in 2008.  We both have been involved in several ministries at the church.  When we were looking for a church and came to Ash Avenue, we knew we were home.


Annette Legg - I am the Ministry Director of Administration, and I oversee the Church Directory, Advertising, Website, Van Scheduling, Event Evaluations, Church Sign, and the Sanctuary Chair Setups. I have attended Ash Avenue Church of God for the last 20 years where I have served in several aspects and ministries. I am the wife of Jeff Legg, the mother of 2 daughters and stepmother to 2 more, a grandmother to eight grandchildren ranging in age from 27 to 2, and a great-grandmother to six young ones, ages 7 down to 1 year. I feel God has richly blessed me with an awesome family and Church family.

Corey Adkins - I am the Director for Church Outreach, which oversees the following ministries within the church: the annual picnic and camping trip, greeters, visitations, cards, hospitality, hardships, and women's missionary group. I have been attending Ash Avenue with my wife, Gretchen and our blended family of Blake, Carter, Joshua, Miranda, and Hope for over two years. We look forward to growing deeper in our faith every Sunday and throughout the week with the community at Ash Avenue as we take One Step Closer together. If you feel called to serve in any of the above ministries please reach out. God bless and we look forward to serving you.