Friday-Saturday April 4-5, 2025 - Traveling Sisters will be going to The Ark and The Creation Museum in KY. Cost is $215.00 per person with $100.00 deposit due 2/9/25 and $115.00 due 3/9/25. Cost covers hotel, travel, parking, Saturday breakfast and tickets to both venues. See Teresa Devlin if you have any questions or would like to join along.

Saturday, April 12th - The Sense of the Resurrection Easter Experience 1 - 3 PM
A two-hour event that guides kids ages 4 -11 through the events surrounding the death & resurrection of Jesus at Easter. Told through objects hidden inside of plastic eggs. Games and snack. Must pre-register by April 6th.

Sunday, April 13th - Palm Sunday
Observation of the Easter Cantata during regular services.

Thursday, April 17th - Maundy Thursday
Services with a message from our Pastor and then we separate into 2 groups (men and women) and we pray, sing and share testimony while washing the feet of our brothers and sisters to symbolize when Jesus washed the feet of His disciples.

Sunday, April 20th - Easter Sunrise Service at 7 am
Join us on the front lawn of the Church at 7 am for praise and worship as we celebrate Easter at sunrise. Breakfast will be served from 7:30 - 8 am and then regular early service at 8:30 am, Sunday School at 9:45 am, and 2nd service at 10:45 am.

May 30, 2025 - Relay For Life Event at the John Marshall High School's North Parking 5:00 PM. Sign Up at www.relayforlife.org/marshallwv to honor your loved ones who have battled cancer by joining our fundraising team & as a Cancer Survivor. Ash Avenue's team is One Step Closer to a Cure.

June 9-13, 2025 - Vacation Bible School
A week of learning about Jesus and the story of Joseph. Pre-K through 5th grade, 6:00-8:00 p.m. More information to come...

Monday, June 16 -Thursday June 19, 2025 - Hocking Hills Youth Trip
More information to come...see Youth Pastor Donna at the Church if you have questions.

Saturday, June 21st - Yard/Craft/Vendor Sale
Annual sale on both parking lots. Reserve a selling spot for $20.00 (10x10 space). Food, drinks and baked goods will also be for sale. Contact Teresa Devlin if you wish to reserve a spot or two. 304-539-4726 or email at teresasmith1956@yahoo.com
If you are not interested in selling, come and browse, have lunch and maybe find that rare jewel or beautiful craft for yourself or someone you love.

July 7 - 11, 2025 - Youth Camp at Rippling Waters Campround
More information to come...see Youth Pastor Donna at the Church if you have questions.

Friday 9/19 - Saturday 9/20/25 - Extraordinary Women - 2025 Mercy & Grace Tour
Join Traveling Sisters as we go to Hershey PA to attend the 2-day women's conference and visit Hershey Park & surroundings. $300.00 total cost. Watch the bulletin for reserving your spot and when payments are due.

Saturday 10/4/25 - Beauty for Ashes Women's Conference
A wonderful opportunity to join your Sisters-in-Christ at a spirit filled gathering. If you haven't attended a Beauty for Ashes conference you don't want to miss this local opportunity at our sister church, Middle Grave Creek Church of God.
There are very limited tickets and sign up is at the Welcome desk at the Church. Signups will end on 3/23/25 so be sure to register in plenty of time.
We are offering a "payment plan" if the $35.00 is a challenge right now. $5.00 a month will save your ticket. We are also offering the option of "Blessing A Sister" if you wish to purchase a ticket for someone else.
Please see Teresa Devlin if you have any questions, wish to pay the $35.00 or start your payment plan for a wonderful day spent with your sisters.